C = 77.000000, 40.000000(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000)
H = 45.000000, 24.200000(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
N = 68.333333, 35.466667(0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)
O = 71.866667, 37.333333(1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
; Instances
N1 : -62.818312 -36.346742 52.119148
C2 : 22.643987 -37.294570 0.420411
C3 : 27.521339 51.466711 -45.430312
O4 : 92.439787 72.266714 -92.744119
H5 : -69.674708 -96.725358 86.174842
H6 : 20.763422 -92.559100 -49.155177
H7 : 79.639434 -46.154197 47.206421
H8 : -116.642005 -28.427209 8.593230
O9 : -41.748296 93.011539 -25.250027
H10 : -61.940112 15.894419 98.211760
; Bonds
N1, C2
N1, H5
N1, H8
N1, H10
C2, C3
C2, H6
C2, H7
C3, O4
C3, O9
••Try Your Hand
••First, resize this window so that you can read all of the text. Before you try changing the model type rotate the model a little. Now try changing the model type using the options menu. Try rotating the model by specific amounts around particular axes using computer-controlled rotations. When you have finished experimenting, select "Quit" from the "File" menu.